Too stressed to plan!
Planning content doesn't need to be a stressful thing.😰
In fact, we will share some simple ways that we use for EVERY client🤓 we work with to make sure that their account is FULL💪 of the content they need to land that ideal client!🎯
Ready…. Here it goes!
1. Have a marketing meeting with us ( yes, we consult, but if you're not ready for that... have a meeting with yourself or your team). What do you want to accomplish this quarter? What are your goals?🤔
2. What are some questions that your audience has?🙋🏻 3. If you're selling a product, do you need content explaining HOW your product is going to solve the pain points of your customer?💯 Now write down EVERYTHING..seriously, everything. Everything that comes to mind when you ask yourself these questions. Every goal, every pain point you're looking to solve, and every question you've heard your clients ask.
Now all those answers you have there… this is what you need to create content around!
As always we are here if you need any support!
Rachel and Britt!