Hitting my goals…7 months Pregnant!
Pregnant Social People.Co :)
As many of you know, I am seven months pregnant. However, I read the book Atomic Habits last year, and a few points really stood out to me. These points help me stay consistent with my goals. And I wanted to maintain that consistency even though I was pregnant.
Working through this process for January, February, and now in March, I realize something. It would require me to balance consistency with adaptability.
The goals set for January were not attainable for February. And while that would normally drive me crazy, and I would almost criticize myself for not pushing myself hard enough. I realized that by not being adaptable - I was setting myself up for failure. This is what I did to maintain my goals personally and professionally.
By implementing these systems, I found that I not only had been successful in reaching my goals but also became more motivated. Even though I’m in a season where physically, mentally, and emotionally, I am managing a new circumstance ( ahem…growing a human), I have learned how to work with limits, push myself to do things outside my comfort zone and care for myself the way I need you to maintain consistency.
One thing that made a huge difference was creating a calendar for personal and professional.
January was a very exciting month for us. We were very busy, but I had more time in my schedule to complete this list of goals.
When I looked over my calendar for February, I knew there was no way I would be able to complete the goals I set out for myself in January. This really messed with me mentally because, in the past, I’ve been very nervous and very hard on myself to maintain my goals, regardless of changing circumstances. However, I realized that this thinking caused me to ignore the goals that I had set up for myself simply because I was mentally, emotionally, and physically overwhelmed.
Instead of going back to my old ways, I adjusted the goals.
My month in February had a social event every single weekend. There were two weekends when we would be away from home visiting family. Our family goal for February was to connect and spend time with our family members. Because we’re having a baby soon, we knew that our time would be limited when it came to visiting family in the near future. So we really wanted to show up, spend some quality time together, and visit some family. My sister-in-law also threw me a 15-year anniversary party.
Anniversary Party!
I decided that my January goals for my January goals, and I was going to create another 30-day calendar with a more realistic set of goals, both professionally and personally, that I could attain. It was such a huge success. At the end of February, instead of feeling drained and defeated, I felt so happy! My heart was full; I felt very fulfilled and Content and grateful for everything that had happened that month.
Not only did it let me reflect on my month and feel so accomplished. I also felt very motivated for the next 30 days.
Now we’re into March, and I have just created my list of goals for the month.
Analyzing my circumstances and taking them into consideration has propelled me to continue, instead of leaving me feeling defeated.
Obviously Lu loves the sparklers!
For entrepreneurs, I know this is a regular battle. We are always trying to balance our personal and professional lives. Some of you are working two or three jobs, have families at home or other responsibilities, and have schooling you’re trying to complete. Ultimately, the fact is that life does not look the same month to month. And to be honest, I don’t want it to.
But retraining my mind and learning how to balance my circumstances with my goals has allowed me to become more flexible, resilient, and focused. Also… It’s okay to have a month when I have more social events. That doesn’t mean I can’t reach my goals or make an effort to push my boundaries. It just might mean it looks slightly different than the following month.
If you want a 30-day Habit Tracker Calendar template to fill out for your personal and professional goals, click here.